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Sep 20, 2024
What Messi, Jobs, and Musk Know About Failure (That You Don't)

Failure. It's a word that sends shivers down most people's spines. But what if I told you that failure is the very thing that could catapult you to success? That it's not just an unavoidable part of the journey, but a crucial ingredient in the recipe for achievement?

You've heard the success stories of Lionel Messi, Steve Jobs, and Elon Musk. But here's what they have in common that most people miss: They've failed. A lot. And guess what? So have I. 

In fact, I've come to see failure as my greatest teacher and most powerful ally.


My Personal Failure Resume

Before we dive in, let me share my own "failure resume":

  1. Selling insurance door-to-door: Failed miserably, ended up on unemployment.
  2. Domain name flipping: Lost money hand over fist.
  3. Real estate business in 2007: You can guess how that went.
  4. Quest Apparel: Even after Quest Nutrition's massive success, this venture lost millions.

And that's just scratching the surface. Each of these failures was painful, embarrassing, and costly. But each one also taught me invaluable lessons that I couldn't have learned any other way.

But here's the kicker: I've had massive success precisely because I was willing to fail. Today, I'm going to show you how to adopt this mindset so you can turn your failures into triumphs.


The Truth About Failure

I used to run from failure. Now? I chase it like my life depends on it. Because in business, it does. Here's why:

  • Failure = Trying something new + Getting a negative result
  • But negative results = Data
  • Data = You're now smarter than before

It's simple math, but it's the key to success that most people overlook. Every failure is a data point, a piece of information that brings you closer to success. It's not just about learning what doesn't work, it's about understanding why it doesn't work and how you can adjust.


The Skill-Stacking Game

Business is a skill game, just like sports. And guess what? When you first step onto that field, you're going to suck. Hard.

Take Messi. Sure, he's got a natural connection with the ball now. But when he was born? Just like the rest of us, he couldn't walk. Nobody starts as an expert. Messi's journey to becoming one of the greatest footballers of all time is paved with countless missed shots, failed dribbles, and lost games.

Let's look at some other "failures":

  1. Steve Jobs: Fired from Apple, the company he co-founded. Used that time to develop NeXT and Pixar, eventually returning to lead Apple to unprecedented heights.

  2. Disney: Walt Disney's first animation studio went bankrupt. Later, his studio was saved by government propaganda contracts in WWII. Today, Disney is an entertainment empire.

  3. Amazon: Runs so many failed experiments they're technically not profitable most years. But these "failures" have led to innovations like AWS, which now powers a significant portion of the internet.

  4. Elon Musk: Has a graveyard of exploded rockets. Each explosion taught SpaceX valuable lessons, leading to the development of reusable rockets that have revolutionized space travel.

Every time these giants stumble, the market panics. Stock prices drop. Commentators scream, "It's over!"

But here's the secret: It's only over if you quit.


The Real Game: Emotional Resilience

Most people can't handle the emotional turmoil of failure. It's embarrassing. It hurts. So they quit.

That's the true nature of this game. You have to keep your emotions in check long enough to stop being incompetent. You have to learn how to walk before you can run.  And yes, you'll fall. A lot. But each time you get back up, you're stronger, smarter, and one step closer to success.


The Superpower of Handling Embarrassment

Let me tell you something crucial: being able to handle embarrassment is a superpower. While people are busy pointing and laughing, you'll be learning, and skills stack.

Think about it. When you're not afraid of looking foolish, you're free to take risks, to try new things, to push boundaries. This is where innovation happens. This is where breakthroughs occur.

Remember, failure isn't the thing that kills dreams - failure to take action is. Most people are paralyzed by the fear of making a mistake and looking stupid. Don't be one of them. Embrace the embarrassment. Wear it like a badge of honor. It means you're in the arena, fighting for your dreams, while others watch from the sidelines.


Action Steps for Embracing Failure

Here's how you can start embracing failure and using it as a catalyst for success:

  1. Reframe Failure: See it as a data point, not a reflection of your worth. Each failure is a stepping stone to success, not a dead end. When you fail, ask yourself: "What did this teach me? How can I use this information to improve?"

  2. Set "Failure Goals": Aim to fail a certain number of times each month. It means you're trying. If you're not failing, you're not pushing hard enough. For example, set a goal to be rejected 10 times this month. Apply for jobs you're not qualified for, pitch to clients out of your league, submit proposals to top publications.

  3. Analyze Each Failure: What went wrong? What can you learn? How can you improve? Turn each failure into a valuable lesson. Create a "Failure Log" where you document each failure, its lessons, and your plan to apply those lessons going forward.

  4. Celebrate Small Wins: Did you learn something new? That's a win. Recognize progress, no matter how small. Maybe you didn't land the client, but you improved your pitch. Maybe your product didn't sell, but you gained insights into your target market. Celebrate these wins.

  5. Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with people who understand the value of failure. They'll lift you up when you're down and challenge you to keep going. Join entrepreneur groups, attend networking events, find a mentor who's been through the trenches.

  6. Practice Resilience: Each time you fail, get back up faster than before. Build your failure recovery muscle. Set a "bounce back" time limit. Maybe it's 24 hours to feel sorry for yourself, then it's back to work. Over time, reduce this limit.

  7. Share Your Failures: Be open about your failures. It not only helps you process them but also inspires others. Start a blog, share on social media, or speak at events about your failure experiences and what you've learned.

  8. Experiment Constantly: Create a culture of experimentation in your work and life. Try new approaches, test different strategies. The more you experiment, the more comfortable you'll become with failure—and the more likely you are to stumble upon success.

The Path to Outsized Success

The only path to outsized success is to outperform the competition. To do that, you're going to have to fail more and learn more. I wish there was an easier way, but, alas, there's not.

Here's your mission: Go find something you would die for, and live for it - no matter how many times you have to fail. This is your "One Thing"—the goal or dream that drives you, that gets you out of bed in the morning, that you're willing to fail a thousand times for.


The Payoff

Today, after a LOT of failure, I dry my crying eyes with hundred dollar bills every time I mess up. Why? Because it pays to learn.

Remember: The distance between you and success is measured in failures. The more you fail, the closer you get.

So, what are you going to fail at this week?



Join Our Tribe of Fearless Founders

Speaking of failing forward, are you tired of going it alone? Ready to surround yourself with other entrepreneurs who understand that failure is just a pitstop on the road to success?

Then it's time you joined our Zero to Founder community.

Here's what you get:

  • A safe space to try, fail, and learn without judgment
  • Direct access to seasoned entrepreneurs who've been in your shoes
  • Challenges designed to push you out of your comfort zone
  • Live coaching with me to help you overcome your biggest blocks
  • Exclusive content and resources to accelerate your growth
  • A support system that celebrates your failures as much as your wins

Don't let another day go by feeling isolated in your entrepreneurial journey. Join Zero to Founder today and turn your failures into fuel for success.