Here's a confession that might shock you: I go to bed at 9 PM like it's a religion.
In a world that glorifies "hustle culture," this might sound blasphemous. But here's the truth: this sleep strategy was crucial in building my billion-dollar business.
I used to buy into the "work 24/7" myth. I'd sacrifice sleep, thinking I was being more productive. I was dead wrong.
You're not a machine. You're human. And humans need sleep.
When I started prioritizing sleep, everything changed. I go to bed at 9:00 PM. Every night. No exceptions. No alarm clock. I wake up naturally.
Over a year, I average 6 hours and 2 minutes of sleep. Some months, it's 7 hours.
The results have been transformative:
Sleep improves your prefrontal cortex function, crucial for complex thinking and decision-making. I've avoided costly mistakes simply by being well-rested.
REM sleep helps connect disparate ideas. Some of our most innovative ideas come after a good night's sleep.
Sleep deprivation amplifies negative emotions. Being well-rested helps me stay calm under pressure and maintain better relationships with my team.
Sleep is when your brain processes and stores information. I retain more from meetings and learning sessions when I'm well-rested.
With adequate sleep, I can maintain deep focus for longer periods, significantly boosting my productivity.
But this isn't about me. It's about you.
Are you making sleep-deprived decisions? Are you sacrificing your cognitive function on the altar of "hustle"?
Your business doesn't run on coffee and willpower. It runs on your brain.
Want to outperform your competition? Start in the bedroom.
Here's how to prioritize sleep for business success:
The most successful entrepreneurs I know prioritize sleep. They understand that sustainable success comes from a well-rested mind, not from burning out.
Yes, your goals make demands. But sacrificing sleep is a poor short-term trade-off. I've been there. I've done it. It's never worth it.
Remember: Everything in your business is downstream of your cognitive function. Protect it fiercely.
Sleep is just one of the crucial habits that can transform your life. If you're ready to develop unbreakable discipline and gain crystal-clear clarity on what you want, join Billion Dollar Habits.
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Remember: 40% of our daily behavior is driven by habits. The ones you build today will determine your success tomorrow.